Social awareness

Fast food. Sure, it is easily accessible, cheap, and generally tastes good. But have you ever stopped and thought about what it is actually doing to your body over a period of time of consumption? Above are three pieces I put together to represent what the fast food industry really is about. The Taco Bell piece has 267 red tally marks at the bottom. One tally mark represents 100 deaths due to high blood pressure last year. The Burger King piece has 691 tally marks. One tally mark represents 100 deaths due to diabetes. The Mcdonald's piece has 696 tally marks. One tally mark represents 500 deaths due to heart disease. All of the numbers come from 2010 statistics. Now while all of these diseases aren't completely to be blamed on by the fast food industry, still they carry an extremely heavy burden from this. Yet they continue to market the products that all of America just can't seem to get their hands off of. The fact of the matter is that the fast food industry has a lot of blood on their hands for contributing the biggest factor of the American Obesity epidemic.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

